Welcome to the Vibrationmaster Knowledge Centre on fastener vibration testing.
Here you will find information on:
Fastener vibration testing – applications and techniques
- Beyond Junker: A paradigm shift in validating and optimising bolted joints. From Fastener + Fixing Magazine, March 2019. Updated October 13, 2023
- Validating bolted joints – how to close the testing responsibility gap
- Fastener research activity up by 800%! From Vibrationmaster, June 2018
- Bestselling J121 Offers Top-notch Parallel Torque/Tension & Vibration Testing. From Fastener World, June 2018. Updated October 13, 2023
- Dynamic vibration testing of fasteners: theory, applications, international standards and recommendations. From Vibrationmaster, May 2018
- 如何验证新螺栓连接的设计? Vibrationmaster-2018年1月
- How to validate bolted joint designs? From Vibrationmaster, January 2018
- How do threaded fasteners self-loosen? From Vibrationmaster, January 2018
- How to conduct rigourous Junker vibration tests? From Vibrationmaster, January 2018
- Vibration testing: A step-by-step guide to testing fasteners to determine self-loosening behavior. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, February/March 2014
- ‘Tested By Me’: Why Fastener Testing Strategies Have Evolved Beyond Testing Purely to Meet Various Standards. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, December/January 2013
- Automotive Fastener & Bolted Joint Testing To Drive Innovation, Improve Quality/Safety & Streamline Production. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, October/November 2013
- Forensic Testing Methodologies To Determine The Root Causes Of Fastener Failure. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, October/November 2013
- Developing Fastener Testing Strategies for Product Improvement & to Secure Competitive Advantage. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, June/July 2013
- Reviewing fastener standards may lead to fewer wind turbine failure-related accidents. From Fastener + Fixing Technology, April/June 2013
- Vibration testing for new product development of a fastener locking element. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, April/May 2013
- Integrating fastener and bolted joint testing with analysis for product design. ‘Testing Column’ from Fastener Technology International, February/March 2013
- Equipment Requirements to Conduct Vibration Testing According to the New DIN 25201. From FastenerEurAsia January/February 2013
- The new J900 Junker Test bench with uniquely broad test range
- Ralf Mai of DISC-LOCK Europa GmbH talks to Vibrationmaster
- Understanding the new fastener testing standard DIN 25201. From Fastener EurAsia, October/November 2012
- Towards better testing for self-loosening. From Fastener and Fixing Magazine, March 2011
- Fastener testing breakthrough – PRESS RELEASE – Issued 7 November 2011
Fastener testing standards
- Testing fasteners for OEM certification: a comparison of DIN 65151, DIN 25201-4 and ISO 16130 fastener transverse vibration testing procedures
- Secure Junker Test consistency and accuracy with DIN 25201 reporting requirements
- The New DIN 25201: Reference Testing and Verification Testing. Article 3: How to conduct the Reference Test and Verification Test. From FastenerEurAsia March/April 2013
- Reference testing required by DIN 25201: why you need electronic displacement control on your Junker Test machine
- DIN 25201 – Important new standard for testing fasteners
- DIN 25201 – Important new standard for testing fasteners. From Fastener and Fixing Magazine, September 2011
- Important changes to the self-loosening testing of fasteners: the new DIN 25201-B
- DIN 25201-4 – our commented version of the standard
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